Friday, 29 May 2009

Oh yes, I'm a blogger..

I feel really cheerful that I am now a blogger when a few weeks ago I didn't even know what blogging was. How very rewarding! If I can become a jobbing blogger at 55 what other possibilities could there be out there?

A key part of reviewing coffee and tea shops for the good of the nation is that you have to actuallly post them on your blog. The reviewing is the easy part. This has been a very steep learning curve for me and I urgently want a fanatical IT person to be my New Best Friend. For example, how could I know that your most recent blog automatically appears at the top of the page? It's not at all obvious to me.(Thanks for sharing that Cherry Tart!) And, oh the stress of not knowing if your blog has posted or vanished off into internet infinity...

A whole world of new worries has opened up which makes me think I have now made an interesting new career choice. What could I have been thinking? Did I really think along the lines of Hmm what am I really rubbish at that I can turn into a business? I know, using any form of technology for longer than 5 minutes. That'll do it! It gives learning on the job a whole new meaning.

Re the scone debate, my neighbour protests that proper scones do not, ever, contain Mars Bars and the like. Try telling that to the Dublin Coffee Shop Set who devour many scones daily full of lumps of rhubarb, pears and all sorts much more exotic than a few bits of chocolate. But I take the point. We are tracking down real quality without too may frills.

Tomorrow, one of my favourite coffee shops, located just outside the picturesque village of Fintry in Stirlingshire, is sending me a picture of their scones in advance of their review. Now I have a whole new quandry. How can I get a photo up on this blog when I can hardly post a few words? There will be tears before bedtime and possibly something slightly stronger than tea will be required....

Crystallized Violet

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