Saturday, 30 May 2009

Tomorrow is Another Day

Just when you think you have really cracked things, life goes pear-shaped once again! After my proud boast of yesterday to deliver a scone picture...Need I go on? Someone, somewhere has my scone picture but it is certainly not on our blog where it belongs. How can I confess this to Cherry Tart? Will any tea room ever trust me again to deliver a review complete with pictures? Am now business failure.

To make things worse I decided to cover up my incompetence with a plateful of my own scones, well risen with much baking powder, on a very pretty plate(Oxfam circa last week). After much artistic agonising about whether the gorgeous pale blue plate looked better with rosy pink or pale purple napkins and whether I should take a photo in front of my new butterfly lavender or a jug of lovely cream roses, I remembered that I am now a trusted tea and coffee shop reviewer and should know better than to be so duplicitous.

I now feel incompetent but amazingly virtuous. Fat, obviously, after eating several scones, but resorting to Scarlett O'Hara mode, tomorrow really is another day.

Crystallized Violet

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