Thursday, 6 August 2009

Scone Secrets

Decided to share my scone making secrets with you! I adore (as does C. Violet) treacle scones and can say without too much boasting that mine are very, very good! Here are the basic rules - never roll out scone dough - use your hands but handle as little as possible. Keep the mix very moist, better to add more flour at the rolling out stage if it's too liquidy. Use the biggest cutter you've got - who wants tiny scones for goodness sake!! Have them for lunch if you're dieting then you don't feel at all guilty!
Treacle scones
Pre-heat oven 220 oC/ 425 oF, grease baking trays.
8oz(225g) self-raising flour, 2oz(50g) butter, 1 oz(25g) caster sugar, 1/2 teasp cinnamon, 2 tablesp treacle, pinch salt, 1/4 (150ml) milk. Sift flour & salt into very big bowl, rub in butter , mix in sugar, cinnamon, treacle and enough milk for a soft dough (bit like making mud pies). Knead till moist and elastic. Pat out with fingers. Use biggest cutter you have. Pop onto greased baking tray, brush with milk . Bake for 15-20 mins. Watch them closely and take out when golden brown. Serve with butter although I prefer any red jam! Enjoy!
Cherry Tart

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